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Faculty Review Committee

The Faculty Review Committee oversees the movement of grievances through the grievance process as prescribed in The Faculty Handbook, provides faculty review of faculty grievances that are not resolved at the college level, and considers appeals in the promotion and tenure or continued appointment process when the provost does not concur with a positive recommendation from the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure or the University Committee on Promotion and Continued Appointment. The committee has an investigatory and reporting role. 

The Faculty Review Committee (FRC) will include a minimum of two faculty members from each college and two each from the library and extension faculty. Additional members from colleges may be appointed in direct proportion to the colleges' representation in the Faculty Senate. The president of the Faculty Senate, in consultation with the cabinet, appoints the chair. The chair may be a member of the Faculty Senate or a member of the Faculty Review Committee. Committee members, who are appointed by the Faculty Senate president in consultation with the cabinet, must, at the time of their initial appointment, have served on their college or equivalent promotion and tenure committee or in the Faculty Senate. Members may not serve on a university or college promotion and tenure committee and on the Faculty Review Committee simultaneously. In the event that no eligible faculty members from a particular college or the library or extension can be identified who are willing and able to fill a vacant position on the FRC, the Faculty Senate president in consultation with the cabinet may appoint the appropriate number of tenured faculty members to complete the membership of the FRC.

The Faculty Review Committee does not normally consider the subject of a grievance while it is simultaneously under review by another committee or panel of the university. The Faculty Review Committee reports annually to the Faculty Senate cabinet on the number of cases handled, the disposition of the case, and on the effectiveness of the review process. 

The details of the grievance process can be found in the Faculty Handbook

Members of the Faculty Review Committee are:

  • College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Mike Ellerbrock; Sean O'Keefe (Chair)
  • College of Architecture, Arts, and Design: Henri de Hahn, Eric Standley
  • College of Engineering: Rakesh Kapania; Vacant
  • College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences: Bettina Koch, Vinodh Venkatesh
  • College of Natural Resources and Environment: Jay Sullivan, Scott Barrett
  • College of Science: James Spotila; Vacant
  • College of Veterinary Medicine: Teresa Southard; Vacant
  • Pamplin College of Business: Reza Barkhi; Vacant
  • University Libraries: Bruce Pencek; Ellen Krupar
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension Service: Chad Proudfoot, Matthew Chappell
  • Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine: David Gregory; Chris Pierce